Protocol and Practice of Persons Appearing in the Court of Judge Cassie Woo

Specific Comments or Advice for Litigants

Specific Requirements or Preferences

Evidentiary hearings and trials are presumptively in-person. If a party seeks to appear virtually, or request the entire hearing be conducted virtually, the party must file a motion with the Court detailing the basis for the request.

Trial Practice and Protocol

Trial Practice and Procedure

Exhibits are to be filed electronically for all evidentiary hearings and trials. The Courtrooms in SEJ are not equipped with monitors for Exhibits to be displayed while questioning witnesses.  
Each party is responsible for printing identical copies of their electronically submitted exhibits, with the correctly labelled Court Exhibit Cover Sheet (matching the exhibit list generated by the Clerk's office), and submitting those copies of the Exhibits to the Court prior to the start of trial for use in the courtroom.