Protocol and Practice of Persons Appearing in the Court of Judge Howard Sukenic

Specific Comments or Advice for Litigants

Specific Requirements or Preferences

Attorneys and parties are expected to be punctual, prepared and courteous to each other and the Court. As things may get lost in transition, a copy of any pleadings or motions filed shall also be delivered to this division, either personally or through the mail. If you believe that the Court has not taken timely action on a pending matter, you may communicate this to court staff who will look into the matter. All motions to continue must be in writing and must state the position of the other party. All perfunctory motions and stipulations shall have a form of order attached. Please pay attention to deadlines as they will be strictly enforced.

Pre-Trial Practice and Management Issues

Discovery or Disclosure Disputes and/or Sanctions

Please pay attention to the Orders of the Court. Reasonable explanations will be accepted as to why Orders could not or were not followed. Absent reasonable explanation, the Court will consider sanctions. The Court is willing to resolve discovery disputes informally in order to preserve the resources of the parties.