Thank you for your interest in becoming a Judge Pro Tempore for the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County.

The Pro Tempore recruitment is now accepting applications between February 3, 2025 - March 2, 2025
for the next appointment term, 7/1/2025 - 6/30/2026.

Please Note: Your application will not be considered complete until the Court receives your signed and notarized Loyalty Oath and Acknowledgement.

Deliver the completed Loyalty Oath and Acknowledgement to:

Judicial Branch of Arizona
ATTN: Judge Pro Tempore Program Coordinator
125 W Washington St # 309
Phoenix, AZ 85003

If you have questions about the process, please contact:

Judge Pro Tempore Program Coordinator
Phone: 602-372-2559

Instructions:   Important! Please Read.

This Web site contains an interactive application that will assist you in completing the application or reapplication for appointment as a Judge Pro Tempore. During the application process, you will answer questions. The information is submitted as you complete each page. Please be sure to complete the application once you begin. A review page will display at the end of the application so you can edit your responses.

If you need to exit the application before it is complete, you may do so by clicking on the "Save and quit" button after completing the page. Upon your return, you may login to the application by clicking on "Update Application", and resume the application.

The Loyalty Oath and Acknowledgment form must be printed, signed, and notarized. Please mail or hand deliver the form with an original signature to:

Judicial Branch of Arizona
ATTN: Judge Pro Tempore Program Coordinator
125 W Washington St # 309
Phoenix, AZ 85003.

Please contact the Judge Pro Tempore Program Coordinator at (602) 372-2559 for assistance.

The Court provides reasonable accommodations in the application and selection process to individuals eligible for assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request such assistance, please contact Human Resources at (602) 506-0023. (TTD: (602) 506-3100) All information collected will be viewed by court staff only and will not be available to the public.


Superior Court Judge Pro Tem requirements:
12-142. Qualifications of judge pro tempore; residence; salary; exclusion from retirement provisions
  1. A judge pro tempore of the superior court shall be:
    1. Not less than thirty years of age.
    2. Of good moral character.
    3. Admitted to the practice of law in this state for not less than five years next preceding his appointment.
    4. A resident of this state for not less than five years next preceding his appointment.
  2. A judge pro tempore may be appointed to serve in the county of his residence or in a county of which he is not a resident.
  3. The salary of a judge pro tempore shall be paid for the period of the appointment based on an annual salary equal to that of a superior court judge. A judge pro tempore may agree in advance to donate any or all of his services.
  4. Judges pro tempore are not subject to any provision of law relating to the retirement of judges.