Protocol and Practice of Persons Appearing in the Court of Judge Aryeh D. Schwartz

Specific Comments or Advice for Litigants

Specific Requirements or Preferences

General Information.  
My division is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the exception of a daily lunch break from noon to 1:30 p.m.  
Monday through Friday mornings are typically high-volume hearing days. Trials may be held on Monday through Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a break for lunch.  
The division’s telephone number is (602) 506-3892.  
My Judicial Assistant is Stefanie Miranda, my Courtroom Assistant (Bailiff) is Joccelyn Jones, and our Clerk is Elizabeth Flores.  
Be professional. Whether you are an attorney or representing yourself, you are expected to conduct yourself and treat others with courtesy and respect. This includes your communications with court staff.  
Be timely. If you anticipate being unable to appear for a hearing on time, then contact my Judicial Assistant and any other parties who may be attending the hearing.  
Be prepared. In preparation for every hearing, I will have reviewed the case, including any pending motions, applications, or other pleadings. The better prepared you are, the better the chance that the hearing will be productive.  
Communications with Division.  
If you need to reach us, call my Judicial Assistant, Stefanie Miranda, at (602) 506-3892.  
Please note that you may not discuss the substance of your case with Stefanie or ask her for legal advice. Communications with Stefanie should be limited to general, procedural aspects of your case, such as calendaring issues, lodging proposed forms of order in advance of a hearing, submitting proposed exhibits in advance of a trial, and checking on the status of a pleading.  
Depending upon the circumstances, Stefanie may provide you her email address, in which case you may communicate with her via email. If any other parties are involved in your case, you should copy them on any email communications you have with Stefanie.  
Extensions of Time and Continuances of Hearings.  
If you need a deadline to be extended or a hearing date to be continued, then file a motion requesting that relief on a timely basis, and provide us a proposed form of order. You must provide copies of your motion to the other parties in the case. Obtaining other parties’ consent to the relief you request, and either filing a stipulated motion or at least indicating in the motion that you have consulted with the other parties and they have no objection, will simplify and expedite my ability to rule on your motion.  
If you are filing a motion to extend a deadline for filing any pleading or other document, specifically state (1) the date of the current deadline and (2) the date to which you request the deadline to be extended. Your proposed form of order should contain the same information. When such motions are filed without these two dates identified, it unnecessarily creates time-consuming work for me to figure out these dates.  
Telephonic Appearances.  
If you would like to appear telephonically for a hearing, then file a motion requesting that relief, and provide us a proposed form of order. Importantly, in the motion, state the reason for your request. Motions for telephonic appearances are not automatically granted, especially for trials and other evidentiary hearings.  
As indicated with regard to motions to extend deadlines or continue hearing dates, you must provide copies of your motion to the other parties. Obtaining other parties’ consent to the relief you request, and either filing a stipulated motion or at least indicating in the motion that you have consulted with the other parties and they have no objection, will simplify and expedite my ability to rule on your motion.  
Matters Taken Under Advisement.  
I endeavor to rule on matters as promptly as possible, even from the bench. Whether a matter is taken under advisement at the conclusion of a trial, evidentiary hearing, or oral argument, or a matter is submitted on pleadings alone, if more than 30 days has passed since the matter has been taken under advisement or otherwise submitted for a ruling, please contact my Judicial Assistant.