Protocol and Practice of Persons Appearing in the Court of Judge Geoffrey Fish

Specific Comments or Advice for Litigants

Specific Requirements or Preferences

The best place to begin the family process is on line at or by going in person to the self help center located in the law library at 101 West Jefferson.  
Almost all of the forms you need for Family Court are online or at the self help center.  
Another resource is the Family Practice Manual which can be located in the law library.

Pre-Trial Practice and Management Issues

Motion Practice

File your Motions at the clerk's counter.  
Deliver a stamped copy of the Motion to this Division.  
Include proposed Orders with your Motion. Also include self addressed stamped envelopes.  
If you wish to have oral argument, request that in your motion.  
The court will allow for Response and Reply time and then determine whether the matter will be set for a hearing. There are times where the Judicial Officer does not feel oral argument will assist the court in making a decision so the court may decide to make a ruling based upon the pleadings.  
If you are filing a Motion to Continue - please indicate the opposing party's position or if unable to contact, please describe attempt made.

Discovery or Disclosure Disputes and/or Sanctions

Parties have a duty to meet and confer before filing any discovery dispute motions.  
Before filing a Motion to Compel or other discovery related motion, the parties shall contact this division to set a telephonic status conference in hopes of informally resolving the dispute.

Trial Practice and Protocol

Trial Practice and Procedure